AI Sermon 2 - 2 Hour Training

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Hey, grant God our own way. Now daily time is also in our unbelief. It's filled in this moment of doubt beauty at a model God created God it's an amazing God you have to study the church Lord we need to be valued or even tell Peter the time to become God's got this so let us pray most gracious God I Yuma kind of faith that are listening to the church for you let me know that I can't do. So, I got those stories god that you have come out of our comfort zones. See to surrender the gospel with others he's putting it out we have always tried to talk to Christ and to say as you don't need that Heavenly Father. We haven't always gonna get you into order that excitement where you could not reenlist. Not to know that you're open a plea and I like all the past that it might be the good times. But do you want the increase prayer that God can do for us so that you can hear all people to forgive all that you may differently and that's what we do. Oh, he loves me sometimes. He said let us pray sometimes children we serve are not moving by it. God speaks here, I can do anything. Within a little bit of background and when whatever is Jim says the beauty of truth. I'm glad you said to you if come to accept Jesus, lay for you first King after the belief that healing in this vision. He's trying to rebuke Jesus looked up home but if anyone saying Father, have we built his kingdom giving? But he begins Jesus from their mighty path to his life to the Lord. Then took his resurrected for his grace giving him many demons. What are you going to hear the Lord tell her? He came, the doors have overcome her. Pursue heart. Nothing but their faith is when you've done fresh to serve someone ever consecrated to live for somebody else. The Lord won't he whom we call these other words, so God is doing this, and the Greek power be with us in spite in their world by his body as a king. In the presence of God, which is the Son of freedom of his command? The king of Christ. How God is saying I am the one who wants to do. Paul is saying to me, “let things go than you let the mind of life you have.”

To do your work and to do your will. Hide this preacher behind the cross, that your people might see you and not me. That they might hear you and not me. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Forte's in Christ's name I pray amen.

What I want to get to them whatever you believe but will allow you up Oh let us go listen to your word. Is an everlasting way and make you put through the place we're allow the question what has been done on the surface and we're talking about this is truly delicious to come childlike Sunday another rush. Do you want all of the spirit’s joy? Open is me because there is sin, amen. Today what's amazing thing a new attitude anybody never gives you. You need to put here in order to keep our hearts on Saturday journey and let's allow you to even leave out of our first hands of your path she said. Being with the freedom to let it go and you will reaffirm on your anger because there is not limited to be hate. And you're gonna come out of it and ask again Lord, “Be with them your Heavenly Father.”

We are living in our lives and I'll act the same cross that your names will bless others. Submit to our children, our help in our hearts, with our good. Let us pray; most gracious God thank you so much. You know the true things that we might have faith tomorrow. Are you Sherry? In one or we may not respond that he can do anything. I think that if some of you saying when we think of our perspective today, may be in prayer. Can you give us praise? Thank you. On a before prayer may all them prepared, I fall know what's going on. A story that's been growing up in your life I might work for or lord. I believe that if I must go and listen to my son, I'm a wounded healer. And as my Macedonian say, “when Linda was a dog class on the road, it's not just a priority. Than nothing as you cook on our country but then that's what you're going through in order to relate to the greatest personality. Just the dog. If we always have to think about the freedom they make, once a little talk with God this morning.


Now we know that our relationship with God this is the verdict. White have recognized this commandment of the gift of God's Holy Word. May it just even what are they said truly you is the right thing to do. When we will produce good to see Jesus baptism brings? Things like he says, “look many people would not be able to listen to the reason why I do this. Promise for my life now he's already been at the ego saved and we did not know who he is telling us about.” What happened you would be able to serve. You know is what I was talking about. I wish you enough mama to get into first one thought that Jesus values anybody else won't answer. Man are you stuck. Jesus was ready to do so this is most boys. I was in Iraq of all things, but I want you to stay weary, but draw my offering. It was that you know, that the scripture says that Jesus is who he says they're the on the purse. Jesus says yes Lord. So, I lot this text it's in the final about Jesus. It's just a big guide because of losing a good choir. A writer is speaking and are not earned three times, but they must start with a seal who really will give like shortly with their morning. Have you come to the test? We will eat with him because the father will be sufficient for you. For anyone who curse me is not me. Amen? The devil says to show Jesus to Christ, and this is the mind. Let him also a light different be empathetic challenge. You prayed when you call him that God is going to do and then we pray as we don't talk about of some judgment. Walter can destroy how to say that we will lay on the same life that's what Bartimaeus did. So, she said but this day it was it that when you understand that Jesus is going to happen. I will have thing to do another that they need to mass wealth through you with me and that's what the year I began to get it right. My luck, prayer restored up anybody else sometimes without Christ? You should give God all the night and the checkout kids would call it. When I went out yesterday Eli and he had an ontological experience. Been on a list of three months he gave your witnesses to him and he reminded be still and among Judea to an egg. He stopped with Jesus pleading from Mary and out that God showed up his son. The other foot who was deaf, of whom his disciples was wanted to release, was a woman in an animal of false prophets.

Jesus chapter 3 verse Rama family who all glory to whom his hand was very Caucasian and he's not a special time in the Marine Corps but when I asked my wife to confirm that sweetheart. Is that God showed up and with peace were still offering Saturday weight. I reached mark right here a lot this was three half seven lady and it was a woman I’ve persecuted the church one of them. But the letter he said, “slow your heart. Only my name was throughout the night, but there was a great example. It was who worked out his hand and grabbed him where I listened. He told me that she was already going to tell me that he was just trying to peek children with them and accept what we needed. They spoke to them and here is not easy, Paul is saying if he delivered you on the right side of an entire moment and his dad went on one other time a man went.


AI Sermon 3 - 10 Hour Training


AI Sermon 1 - 15 min training