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AI Pastor

AI Sermon 4 - Parameters
Tyler Griggs Tyler Griggs

AI Sermon 4 - Parameters

God's surgery is chaos with the text and it means that we get to love somebody. This will be done in his spirit. The compassion that their faith can save us, and our ears was Easter. Here the question is our way. Are we listening to our lives? Lord, that we may hide this Holy writer.

The Lord jumped down to him but, son of David, they were much. Humpty Dumpty found a woman's suit - a choice we're only in once - so she prayed.

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AI Sermon 3 - 10 Hour Training
Tyler Griggs Tyler Griggs

AI Sermon 3 - 10 Hour Training

Likewise, when I created a song, great leadership that God won't bless your kids, I got it off. This song is that it can watch an opportunity for doing. ‘What the world of sin’ can be a line.

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna stand up. I understood this text. Some of you do not take route to the disciples. Are we telling the story? I forgot.

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AI Sermon 2 - 2 Hour Training
Tyler Griggs Tyler Griggs

AI Sermon 2 - 2 Hour Training

If we always have to think about the freedom they make, once a little talk with God this morning. … Let us pray; most gracious God thank you so much. You know the true things that we might have faith tomorrow.


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AI Sermon 1 - 15 min training
Tyler Griggs Tyler Griggs

AI Sermon 1 - 15 min training

The pilot has a plan. We do. God is sovereign, let us pray:
“Most gracious God, we have trusted our Father, but us you have received us to receive the song that we might have. Father activate your friends. I'm just an incredible doing that I'm not a background at this text.” Amen.

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