AI Sermon 4 - Parameters

After diving into the code for training the model, I adjusted some parameters to try to find more competent sentence structure, and creative vocabulary. (~8 Hour Training / Overnight)

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In the power for God, that's what we too are people is gonna ask. What about it? We got enough. You got to be chosen. I took this foot on the spot Lord and thank you. A greater example: each day, I think the story of Derek as what happens when we say if we bring in a ticket but that we have met it at the earth, and we look. Amen. I mean, I remember it was the faithful way to stand up.

I pray prayer right now: Lord, we thank you for your love, for your servant, Lord, and your tender mercies. God, thank you Lord, that your joy will be exalted into the Lord by our communities. Let the gifts be forgiven. God is hidden when we are called the Holy Spirit. Breaking in health and his music men planted without joy in order to help us. Obey one another cutting before Joseph, Beth entered the rejoice of life. The father gave much. Sometimes he wanted to mention through that for Isaac in immediate Crosby and the stones that leads to face. Come and know that the child of the rich and famous about ease with the soul his mercy is upon Jesus Christ. Jesus, father, all you are the creator of the world. Do not be anxious maybe that they not know that we surrender for you and our salvation is now. Do you want a moment to touch minds and not one hour?

It's telling us to take us doing it, you know? How I love this singer. My servant will even lay one of us. Satan is God's love for us. There's a story where I'm locked for my dad do my mom were truthful yet concise. It there, and his disciples were locked, and he says, “Mary!” But John preached where he was handicapped. “is scripture God coming from Christ?” He asked the disciples to pray when he was healed.

I like Sherry's voice. With me, I knew you intimately, I see god whom I was there - you were. Catch me? Just as I turned, and couldn't I forgot with you, but I don't run up in my belt. She told a Jesuit, “Step the one who comes back again.” What happened to yourself? That's the love that God wants to do with the people. No? We believe that the joy that God loves us all. Right? Right? It's to do is fast. It doesn't matter that's why we ought to thank you for only to baptize Jesus. Jesus said to them, “They have no hands and knowing that, the day every week every one of them put hands on our knees as strength.”

It's easy to seek your family before this very blessing isn't that your cares. To live for others, we made our highway, Lord rule over it. We come into your hearts father. We're all like this in stretch of our mouth. You give leaders to you when our brothers were transformed by the renewing of your husband. That felt biblical Mueller. We built the form of what we feel. How we can step out to him father, we trust somebody. Amen? He's not waiting for us to continue to pass in each and every life, because God is our good place beyond struggle, faithfulness and especially in his family. Jesus says one of the people that we interact with bring us the strength of the Pharisees. Now there has a wonderful friend to put us on in the world. Jesus has discovered what's the prayers, that without our sins as he has come to the Lord talking. Any week, unlike older believers, not only that's the way that God shows up is that the friends and it seems like the foolish will continue to guide us. Lord is loving us even when thieves get up time. Because in a new beginning is what the day is here. Well, maybe we are struggling in this river, we pray. Scripture says that God has a physical enemy and pondered course into the New Testaments 2:60. “Christian heard all who have a great bread in the season to do that if you always believe.” It says, “you know what, love means happiness can be also.” Anybody know what I'm talking about? Are directions about them, when we get Jesus says, “eternally I'm not saying I.”

Really use that work. I mean, home Lord in prayer for Paul's word and father that he's going to act all. Maybe we need to accomplish God's right possibilities. Last questions and I pray a prayer. I want to pass out your will. Notice where God himself chases your light, and I'd ask to take us all that God is about ship. They abide in our lives. It's going to come to this place where we've seen. We come back void, that's now we play. Jesus Christ, in our righteousness, and he who does not just someone you know pastor years. God is in himself and we see that as he gets to the Lord. And I know after you say he is what God loves me, I said some of you who gives me my father's son was born to let me read it and I was the forerunner for Eli. She told the son to go and now mother was in the middle of the street. They get excited. In Christ we have the ultimate ear when we see around those who make new money.

Down for three years one says, “we're only God made everything in are you what we do not trust God for you and your servant is listening here.” Our second prayer story is then visions and God see a menu. That promise that had not seen, they put it an old time in the midst of his way. That's yes. I remember in this, the pastor has many men now, and after the prophecies they wanted to do nothing. Firm police met him from their times and had worked from the financial boulder because of the elders who were inside. David shall reach the same that in the lady said, “you know, you benefit what that's when we respond until they were not as after touchdowns. We did this authority.” Then, maybe you really do my job sometimes. It was not easy but affects some of my brothers with making a job. You need him to look in this morning, and that's what a messiah are I, the highest that the stones God took. All of us, some of us were pumped for invitation to bring his children to Peter. One another belittling our special story, entitled our communication with being a beautiful thing because we can keep them in our basement. Don't even do not always get out of God. We need to pray when you honor your forgiveness.

The Bible tells us to be righteousness among them and in us before the king, that of your mouth you know. Be open to lay day, hopefully its simple for us to give up our attitude upon our lives, if we keep your purse. No greater love is not the shield of prayer. Open and close the breach, that was mended peace, healing and lying in as left child. He received this. A couple healed her for six weeks. They were in your mother on him whose mother died as she walked away. Jesus is the life of the heart who took an offense down, but now receive the owner’s thing. But that's important for me, so let's be like some of the end within this committee. So, fitting for those who are full of Christian. Job has gone to live the opportunity this journey is not having a right role in my life. You want to hold on to your own perspective because they know what they meant. We are Jesus and I shared with you this. Is your process with Him? We won't do no more less than you are the light of Christ. Help us, for that your treasure is my people said. I want to challenge your thinking this morning with the thought, “Be taking a gift into the heart.” We will allow the bread, the Sun, and the lamp, and I want you to come in order to hear for your disciples. Our difficulty, your gift. I am exalted in the essence of all your attributes, what you've done. I will say, “get him even unto the nations. I mean, trusting them, and with him in America.” Which I to understand about that, to offer your plant this morning. Your life has never seen you, and not me let the words of your heart, the Word of God for the people of God. Let us pray:

Apply the God in the rest of our team. I’ll show a person true here, it says that the father has brought me back to you in the midst of my Advent. Greater than a broken vessel, but I know all you have to do is say the word and I shall help you get out of Palm Sunday. He's still a broken vessel, but I know all you have to do is say the word, and, I remember - it gets out of the boat doing a new situation now. As you changed them, we just do it. But, when we get today, we should keep Jesus then so that we can. Our sinfulness that father have you ever read in your hearing?

Hearts and we have the flesh, we may have an opportunity to make in trouble, power. Because I'm already challenged everybody. When we look at the church, we cast out as we still ran against a lot of Christians to bear Lovelace the scripture says. It's awfully and Walter, who I will not trust me, he knew that they would hear everything that we were to get. My will and I will help you to fall with myself and you're in my father's house. You get back into the wilderness, but sometimes we should be seated. There's always been in Quebec on all directions of God, to listen to people who have everything. We've got through programs who are you living for those who are so careful as a living sacrifice. Holy and acceptable unto you. Let us pray:

Most gracious God we thank you on. Amen. Pray, then let us pray that prayer that God taught his disciples:

Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Come forth, only word god speak to us. Anyhow, we ought to be careful to love of ourselves. Because in John 1 and that gives us someone without joy. This signifies that Elizabeth in heaven you were not circumcised of the other miracles, whether I realized. All don't go through the streets behind the boat, but there following him again in private, and every time. You have seen it was baptized under whom many people let them hear me. Show a trouble with me I as I had to be disappointed. “why are you ready?” They said, “Lord, you got to read the money but what he's going to do?”

But here's the beginning people - every family you know, the story about God's got up with petty anybody ever. Get how to give my life to cook on our offering, and whatever we want it to live without physical joy, but we don't even forgive forgiveness. And there, we can live, pray for life to come upon my life, so that we can pray for you whenever I go to the nation. The text today, Bill, it knows them from a great person. I can do something, but that's what's real. I'm going to come anybody enough draw myself. Sure, I think when there was a lot of rich and even how cut into a reading the resurrection of prayer be, with you, third was saying that God's surgery is chaos with the text. It means that we get to love somebody. It has a teachable hearing where it is different, and then it says it this scripture says, this will be done in his spirit. The compassion, that their faith can save us, and our ears was Easter, ordered them. The Father, advocating for you. And here the question is our way.

Are we listening to our lives Lord? That we may hide this Holy writer? Full doesn't breathe exalted John, the twenty-first branches are in heaven, and yet my brother were found The Lord jumped down to him but, son of David, they were much. Humpty Dumpty found a woman's suit - a choice we're only in once - so she prayed. The Samaritan year was still one last time and was convinced that it was still saying it's a way that he can call. Because repentance in the book of which they worship, Paul, and John three, and the slave, she used them to understand. Seven compassion turns in to control upon Peter, and not only false good news that we pray, amen. I am a sinner saved by your grace, and grateful for the gift of salvation, but I'm still a broken vessel. But I know.


AI Sermon 3 - 10 Hour Training